Wednesday, June 5, 2013

SEO Content Writing for Beginners

What SEO really is? How does it work? These are few common questions beginners often ask. Let start with some basics!

When you typed in a query in search engines like Google, it will display a list of web results or sites that contains your query which the search engine believes to be relevant and authoritative. You might observe that other websites are on the top of the list compared to others. This is a result of a powerful technique called Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

SEO is a web marketing technique that helps search engines find and rank websites better than the millions of other sites. In simple terms, it helps you get noticed by search engines. The higher your ranking, the better position you have in the web market. Thus, websites strive hard to improve their rankings in major search engines by creating web content that is optimized for search engines.

Here are few content writing tips that might help you improve your website’s ranking in search engines:
  • Quality content is important. The articles and posts in your website must showcase accurate, relevant and interesting information about the industry you are representing of. It must stand out and develop a sense of authority, which in return, will facilitate frequent visit to your website.
  • Focused more on business-related topics rather that unrelated subject matters that might just clogged up your website and divert attention of your prospects.
  • First impression is lasting. The title of your web pages and articles will determine readability of your website. It is the front line of your website, so it must grab the attention of your readers the first time.
  • Follow the ideal length and density for your articles which is 300 to 1,000 words.
  • Distribute your keywords strategically throughout the page.
  • Original content is a must. Make sure your article is fresh and crisp for users consumption.

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